Sunday, April 14, 2013

What in all of God's good glory has possesed me to start a blog.

I'm not the sort of person who would start a blog. Oh no I most certainly am not. I'm not even the sort of person who enjoys writing....Reading, yes of course. I have a wall of books that will confess to this at home.
I love reading. It gives me a whole other life. I have many a fictional friend. When it is suggested that I pack up a box of books to "declutter" my room.... Well, that comes very close to being a personal insult.  Books are meant to be loved and seen and worn down to a tatter. Not read and then placed in a box. Oh helllll no. Some of Life's most valuable lessons are contained between the pages of books. The To-do's and Not-to-do's of the Universe if you will. Books are valuable teachers and love pretty much every aspect about them.
That being said. I do not contain in me the patience for writing. Even my own little stories bouncing around in my head will be hard pressed to find themselves in writing. Writing moves much slower than my imagination or my eyes. I just CANT  do it.
Perhaps that is part of what tricked me into giving this a go. I would love to have patience for writing, and maybe, just maybe this will help.

I want this blog thingy ma'jingy to help me catalog a very interesting time of my life. College.
I may be just the tiniest bit late to the game. My freshmen year is almost at conclusion. An inconsiderate five weeks separates me from my summer.  I can not wait. I am ready for it.
College hasn't, in all honesty, been all that difficult or trying. That's not to say I haven't learned anything. It's just..... It is tedious.
It's separating me from what I want to be doing. Which in the words of my mother is staying at home being a dummy. You see at home is really where my heart lies.
At home is my sheep, and my turkeys. The coyotes and the barking machines ( better known as dogs) that scare them away. The yaks and the chickens that befoul my mothers patio. There's the river and the fields. The desert and the canals. My kitchen and my bed..... and you know those people I've lived with for most of my life.

Perhaps....Just perhaps I am writing this to remind myself it will all still be there when I am done.

And perhaps when I get around to it you'll learn how I still herd the flock and tend the fire from a hundred miles away.

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